


Reviewed for You
Dating sites for single parents in Australia

The market of single parents in Australia is growing every day and so is the number of dating sites concentrating on single moms and single dads!

We'll present you with the most serious and trustworthy dating sites for single parents that will provide you with a reasonable chance to find the one that will complete your little family.

So, why not have a look at the single parents dating sites presented below and just give it a try? It's easy, won't take much and honestly you've got nothing to lose!

Updated : 05/2024

Single Parent Dating Sites

The best single parents dating sites in Australia


#1 Dating site for single parents!


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The hottest single parent dating community


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A fresh approach to meeting single parents in your area. It's dating Just for you.


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Meet other Single Parents near you.


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Matching alternatives:



5 Read Review


5 Read Review

Who wrote that?

Henning Wiechers
has been observing the Australian Online Dating market since 2010. He is among the top opinion leaders in the industry.

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact him!

All About Our Test Category Single Parent Dating in Australia 2024

Dating as a single parent is not easy. You have children to look after and in a lot of cases a job to go to. Couple this with other possible obligations, and then what? You've got very little time for yourself and to find a partner. Thankfully, there are plenty of dating sites and apps now that focus on single parents (both mothers and fathers) who are lookin to dip their toes into the dating pool once more.

Single Parent Dating: A Partner Who Understands

Single parents, when dating, will often reveal early on that they have children. This doesn't always go down well. It is therefore a big worry that many potential partners may turn them down simply because they have children.

Dating sites that focus on singles mums and dads pretty much eliminate that problem. Once you're on a site for single parents, other singles will be looking for the exact same thing! Matchmaking sites offer a similar service, whereby they match people up in accordance with various algorithms (which also take having children into account!).

You never know, this could be the beginning of a beautiful family...

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