


Adult Personals Sites Watch List
Other useful sites

At this point we would like to present you some adult personals sites that seemed more or less competent to us.

We have recently deleted some of the sites from our casual sex watch list due to numerous complaints from unhappy users.

If you know any other reliable sex dating site in Australia, please let us know:
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»The Best Adult Personals in Australia!

Updated : 05/2024

Adult Personals in Australia

Other acceptable sites for adult personals


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Australian Adult Personals

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Matching alternatives:


5 Read Review


3,5 Read Review

Who wrote that?

Henning Wiechers
has been observing the Australian Online Dating market since 2010. He is among the top opinion leaders in the industry.

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact him!

Adult Dating is Certainly Nothing New in 2024?

Adult dating isn’t really a new 'trend': it’s just more accessible for single (and married!) people thanks to smartphones and the Internet, and of course various adult dating apps. Going out to a bar just to find someone to chat up and get laid can be difficult and involves a lot of effort… as a result, adult dating sites often do their best to cut out the middle man!

Women: Casual Encounters and Adult Dating

Men are often portrayed as the lustful hunters when it comes to sex in general, but adult dating is very much something women are also interested in. Naturally the approaches are a bit different -men tend to be more direct- but with many adult dating sites see significant numbers of women who are looking for casual encounters to fulfill their sexual desires.

Want a Hookup? Here’s what to do…

Despite the high number of hookup sites out there in Australia, a lot of singles don’t know how to actually approach someone and ask for sex. Even when thrown into an environment where there are lots of people who are, quite frankly, gagging for it. Thankfully, we have a number of online dating tips which cover everything from adult dating, staying safe online and finding your dream partner. So what are you waiting for?

Up to the Test Winners