


Reviewed for You
Dating Sites for Swingers in Australia

Dating for swingers is definitely popular in Australia! The problem, however, lies with the vast distances between cities and towns in this country. As a result, those interested in joining swingers sites need to be aware that a little bit of arrangement and planning has to go into everything!

We have therefore gathered some of the most specifically swinger-oriented dating sites for hot couples who want to try out something new. Some of them naturally rank higher than others. Also, before going ahead remember to keep in mind: Swinger couples are all different have their own sets of rules. So remember to respect that.

Updated : 05/2024

Dating for Swingers

The best dating sites for swingers in Australia

The World's Largest Swingers Date Club


Try out for free NOW!more...

Adventure Seeking & Swinging couples


Try out for free NOW!more...

...Fun, free & fabulous


Try out for free NOW!more...

Matching alternatives:



5 Read Review


5 Read Review

Who wrote that?

Henning Wiechers
has been observing the Australian Online Dating market since 2010. He is among the top opinion leaders in the industry.

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact him!

Swinger Clubs, Parties and Events in Australia in 2024

Swinger parties are surprisingly common in Australia… You just need to know where to look! Even we thought that this particular fetish was the domain of a small group. Turns out, this isn’t the case! It’s a large and exciting trend, with plenty of swinger clubs and events to find. As sites like AdultMatchmaker prove:

Swinging is rather popular in Australia!

However, before you take a look at the swinging scene in Australia, familiarising yourself would be a good idea. Remember: the scene is not some free-for-all. Every couple has specific rules that they adhere to regarding who can do what and with to whom.

The Online Swinging Scene in Australia

Since opening itself up to the online world, the swinging scene in Australia has experienced a considerable amount of change. Swingers clubs in the past were often eccentric, strange places that could be difficult to seek out. These days, all you need to do is a quick Google search to see where the nearby swingers hang out for parties, events and other meet-ups.

Finding Local Swingers in Australia

The Internet also makes thing very easy for those looking for local swingers. By using a good online platform, you’ll pretty much have a list of all the options that are available in your area. The most common challenge, for those who are just starting out at least, is actually meet the people in question. Couples naturally find it easier –since the support of another person is there if things get a little weird!

Swinger Sites: What Exactly do They Offer?

It’s easy for a swinger dating site to look tacky, but you’ll be happy to know that there many good and well-functioning ones out there. There is more than just swinger profiles on offer: a whole swinging community exists which can keep you in the loop regarding events. Swingers are also quite partial to a bit of travelling. A lot of sites also have XXX sections (“swingers tube”, if you please) and far more!

Up to the Test Winners