

Analysed for you:

Put the date back in dating


That's what we think:
That's what we think about
("Put the date back in dating"):
"HowAboutWe is the OFFline dating site."
Henning Wiechers
Expert was last reviewed
in May 20243

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5 Read Review


5 Read Review

Test summary:

review 2018


HowAboutWe is disappeared into thin air... Thankfully, we have other options in our online dating personals category. is not a normal dating site. Here, the focus is on the date itself, rather than the process of finding a partner. This is referred to on the site as ‘offline dating’, encouraging people to meet up in real life. Through this kind of meeting, singles will have a better way of finding someone who suits their interests (or so they reason).

Founded in 2010 by Aaron Schildkrout and Brian Schechter, there are currently around 2.3 million users. Available in 30 countries including the USA, Australia and the United Kingdom, you won't be at a loss for someone to hit the town with! Dating Ideas

Dating ideas are the core of what is all about. All of this is encapsulated in a rather simple question, “How about we..?”, which is then followed by a suggestion from the other party. It can take different forms depending on what you're in the mood for, such as...

How about we see a movie on Friday night?

It puts a cool spin on things and can often help to get people talking and meeting up with one another. Another great thing about HowAboutWe is that singles will be likely to find someone who shares the same interests as them when it comes to pastimes and hobbies. You can suggest almost anything on this dating site and see who responds.

HowAboutWe Features

The features on are rather standard, so it is the whole idea behind it that is what makes it so unique. Of course, everyone needs these features in order to communicate. As a result, users can...

  • Send messages to their interests.
  • Upload a few flattering photos...
  • ...and describe themselves in a few words.

There are also options for switching off the advertisements and even being able to browse various members anonymously.

Another cool option that HowAboutWe has is their speed dating for singles. Simply click on Speed Date and you will be given random selections that suit your preferences. If you are interested in going along with their plan, simply click ‘Yes’ under Intrigued. If not, click ‘No’ and move on to the next one.

Daily Dates is another feature of HowAboutWe, except this time instead of suggesting date ideas it suggests the actual singles who propose them. You usually get five Daily Dates a day and can browse through them to see if they tickle your fancy.

HowAboutWe Premium

In order to avail of many of's features, you will need to upgrade. There are several upgrade options including Basic and Premium, which will all afford you the ability to do different things depending on what you pay for. Sending and receiving messages will require an upgrade. Premium members get more views, can get rid of advertisements and browse anonymously. Both Basic and Premium members can send and receive unlimited messages, get priority customer service, view visitors and read new messages in their email. - Costs:

  • Sign up and create an account for free.
  • You can get a full subscription from $8.99/month.

Matching alternatives:



5 Read Review


5 Read Review

Who wrote that?

Henning Wiechers
has been observing the Australian Online Dating market since 2010. He is among the top opinion leaders in the industry.

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact him!
