


Searching for sex contacts?
Adult dating sites in Australia

Adult dating sites are dating sites, of course... But with a focus on sex rather than love.

A lot of adult dating sites tend to be rather deceptive, often using false packaging to lure people in. However, there are naturally exceptions to every rule.

Updated : 05/2024

The Best Adult Dating Sites in Australia

My No.1 for Casual Dating


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Who wrote that?

Henning Wiechers
has been observing the Australian Online Dating market since 2010. He is among the top opinion leaders in the industry.

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What Is a Sex-Contact Site?

Exciting erotic meet-ups, unrestrained lust and uncomplicated affairs…. And obviously nearby. All of these are desires a useful sex-contact site should be able to fulfill. It is:

  • A platform to find sex-dates of all kinds (affairs, erotic meetings, sexual adventures and One-Night stands)
  • An erotic meeting point without specific classifications (BDSM…), yet anything sex-related can be found – whether you desire regular sex or have certain fetishes.
  • An adult playground where men, women and couples may meet likeminded people.
  • A provider of offers for singles and those looking for affairs.
  • A place to enrich your sex-life, live your fantasies and try out new things.

But most importantly, a great sex-contact site is particularly:

anonymous, reputable, safe

Have you been looking for something similar? Well, we would like to introduce you to some of the few providers we have assessed to be useful.

Why Look for Sex-Contacts Online?

When the question arises, what benefits “online” versus “offline” sex-dating has, at least one point should be apparent: unless you have been visiting the same brothel for the last 20 years, it is quite the challenge to find someone to arrange sex-dates with offline.

As a male you would need a lot of self-confidence. Do you have the guts to ask an attractive woman on the sub whether she would like to have a hot erotic date with you? This Problem isn’t exclusive to men. Hence, the simple answer to the question is:

To find real sex-contacts, going online simply is much easier.

Why Looking for Sex-Dates Online Makes Much More Sense

Men: Offline men usually find themselves with the need to be pick up artists in order to get laid. Online, no woman will question your intentions when trying to make conversation. You will meet interested people longing to fulfill their sexual desires and fantasies.

Women: With sex-contact sites you may choose by whom you would like to be approached. And those are the ones you need to contact.

Couples: For women and men in relationships it is a way to experience something new and maybe find someone else to join them in the bedroom.

Many couples believe they may only use websites tailored for couple-sex such as swinger sites. That is not the case. Good sex-contact websites will allow you to specifically look for married sex-partners or threesomes.

Finding a Sex-Partner Online: Where?

Real sex-dates are most effectively and safely found at websites promoting sex-contacts. Seems obvious, but why?

1. Everyone Wants the Same, and Everyone Is Aware of That! If you want to get frisky but are to shy, you may want to try to arrange a sex-date via a dating site providing just that. But careful to not turn your endeavors into a disaster – if you are too clumsy, you might get reported to the Provider and your profile may be locked.

2. Everyone Involved Is Trying to Get Down and Dirty The thing about sex-contact websites is not needing to build up a heartfelt relationship, but to get straight down to business and go on sexual adventures with one another.

3. Anyone May Find Sex-Dates in Their Most Desired Constellation Search engines on these websites are made to find whatever erotic pleasures you could desire. You may search for age, height, shape, Profiles exclusively with pictures… and your personal preferences when it comes to sex.

Choices a Solid Sex-Contact Site Should Offer

1. Search for sexual preferences

  • Roleplay/Outdoor-Sex
  • Cyber-Sex/Webcam-Sex
  • Phone-Sex - Group-Scenarios
  • Normal/Oral/Anal
  • Fetish/BDSM

2. Type of Sex-Relationship Is to Be Defined

  • Short Term / Long Term
  • Sex Buddies
  • One-Night Stand

3. Locations, Dates, Links About Sex-Contacts

  • Sex Parties
  • Erotic-Events (e.g. Erotic exhibitions)
  • Swinger-clubs/Sex-meets/Sauna
  • Parking lot Meetups/Gangbangs
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Greatest Advantage of Sex-Dating:

Sex Without Obligations Most men and women tend to fish for potential sexual adventures with their colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances or friends, which usually ends up reeling in a whole lot more than just a hook-up. The affair gets busted and there is a whole lot of talk behind your back…

  • Proper providers offer Sex-Dates in your area without these annoying consequences
  • Emotional horror-scenarios will not happen with a discrete sex-contact portal. You meet for sex, not for a relationship.
  • Your social environment is not entangled in any way
  • With sex-contact sites anything from quick hook-ups to intense affair is possible. You decide whether your erotic meetup is a one-time thing, goes on by a regular basis or even becomes long-term!


… there is no guarantee that you won’t fall in love with your affair. That may also happen to open relationships. But that is still much easier handled with a sex-date compared to the scenario where you had that same thing happen to you with your neighbor. You won’t have to meet your sex-date every day when you leave your apartment or your house.

How Do I find Real Sex-Contacts on The Web? Four Tips to Success

1) Try Multiple Websites!

  • Which one of all the Sex-contact sites out there is for you, only you can determine, by first looking at and maybe trying out some of our best rated sites. Only takes a couple of minutes and it is free!

2) A Solid Sex-Contact Profile!

  • Out testers were amazed repeatedly by the low quality of male profiles. Put some effort into your profile and you will have 95% of men beat!

3) Pictures? Yes!

  • Looking for real Sex-Contacts you shouldn’t be missing an erotic picture of your self to complete your profile. But, as a man, leave your pants on, most women would like to see for themselves what other goods you have to offer…

4) Clever Messages, Dear Men!

  • When trying to flirt with a Lady, try to take whatever information she is giving you in her profile into consideration. “Want some dick?”, is simply not going to cut it for most women out there. Genuine, charming, and humorous are words with which you would want to describe your first message – that’s what the ladies are into.

How Much Do Websites for Sex-Contacts Cost?

The reputable and high-quality websites for real sex-contacts are usually somewhere in the middle of the price range. Yet most importantly:

Register and take a look around, its free!

We assume sex and lust to be of some importance in your life. If you are looking for sex-dates on a regular basis, you will benefit most from the 12 or 24-month membership most online platforms have to offer.

With all of the sites that scored highest in our review you can sign up for a “trial membership” which only lasts for 3 months. Generally spoken: the longer your membership, the cheaper it becomes. Some are only $15.00 a month.

Are There Any Reputable Providers for Free Sex-Dates?

With platforms for Sex-contacts there is a rule of thumb: The entry fee dictates the level of quality.

There are free Providers out there, but none of them are useful.

With the free Platforms there are over 1000 males to every female. It’s a rough competition, since most men will try to get with the hottest chicks. Also, with these websites you will find plenty of things, yet most likely not a single real woman.

If you want any success with your sex dating endeavors – avoid free at all cost.

Think about it this way: you enter a Mattress store which offers 2 mattresses: a product of quality for $400 and the other one is a free no name product. Obviously, most are going to go for the free one and will then later complain about not being able to sleep properly and having severe backpain. And then they read that the free mattress was rated horribly due to bad manufacturing.

Same thing with free sex-contacts. Hence, better visit:

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How Are the Rates for Sex-Contacts in Comparison?

Our highest rated providers all dwell around the same price range. You can find the prices to the four best sites for asual sex-dates and hook-ups and the immediate comparison:

  • Comparison of Prices for Sex-Contacts at
  • Price comparison for Sex-Contacts at
  • Prices for Sex-Contacts at
  • The Price comparison with Sex-Contacts at

If you are already registered with one of these websites and want to have a quick sex-date, you may now choose between 1 or 3 months of Premium membership to get in the game and see how you like it.

How Do I Recognize Serious Websites for Uncomplicated Sex?

Would you like to be sure your sex-date remains fun without regret? If your answer to this question is yes, you should pay attention to the following criteria of quality:

  • Protected personal information
  • Login and payment are anonymous, discrete and secure.
  • Ability to share only certain pictures with certain people
  • A Proof of identity is possible
  • Members may build up a reputation (reviews of others, certification etc.)
  • Suspicious Profiles may be reported to support.

When it comes to private sex-contacts, you should value your anonymity highly. Protect your personal information online just as well as you protect the credit card information inside your wallet.

Aside from choosing a trustworthy Host you should go by the following if you would like to practice safe sex-contacting: Do not use business email addresses! Don’t use pictures you use on Facebook or Google. Reverse image searching is a thing and will lead straight to your social media profiles.

Who Is Offering Sex-Contacting in Your Area

Tailored to you – With all of the highest rated websites offer a service where you can search for contacts near you. And further away, of course, in case you travel a lot.

Possible Searches include:

  • Country
  • State
  • City
  • Distance to your location

Overview: Sex-contacts online

Our overview-sites for sex-contacts are grouped by certain interests, for example the favorite Websites for sex-contacts in your area. Find sex-contacts online in your city and check out:

  • Which sex-contact website is the most populated by men and women?
  • How many people with a hunger for sex located in Sydney are registered at C-Date?
  • How many women are looking for an affair at “redhotpie” in Perth?
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Erotic Meet-Up Profiles that Wake an Appetite

The sex-date website offers you a platform. You must put in the work to get the sex going.

Sex-Contact Tips for Men:


  • “Dick-Pics” and pictures without your head, the one with your face. (or would you sleep with someone who’s face you haven’t seen?
  • Don’t go all in with the first message, that usually drives women away. • Boring descriptions such as “we will see” DO!
  • A nice picture showing what you have to offer, wearing clothes.
  • Reveal some things about yourself, but leave some for the ladies to discover!
  • Send short and to the point contact requests that contains some catch from her profile – that will flatter her, and allow her to be willing for a sexual encounter with you

Tips for Women:


  • Nip-slip! Sensual Pictures are great! Please make sure men can distinguish you from a professional.
  • Generic statements such as: “Looking for some fun, surprise me!”, will lead to messages just as generic as your description.
  • Don’t leave the men hanging in suspense. Maybe, we’ll see, maybe later is not lady-like, it is uncalled for.
  • Men like to see the whole picture: you can’t go wrong with a picture showing your entire body.
  • Be clear about your sexual desires.
  • If you are interested, show it. If you aren’t, a friendly “no” won’t hurt anyone.

Where Did The “Sex-Contact Websites 2024” Test Originate?

As we looked at Sex-contact websites on the internet in 2003, we encountered a lot of pornographic trash and an insane amount of fake profiles of women. Merely a few exceptions, which we deemed as refreshing islands of sex-contact bliss among all the garbage.

The situation has improved a lot since 2008 up until now:

“A good handful of ‘websites for private people with erotic intentions’ has generated a remarkable Member-density”

Websites for Causal Sex-Dates on The Rise

Looking for Sex-partners online? Of course! And by this we are not only speaking of men… Women have been looking for sexual adventures via the internet for a while!

What we deem responsible for the still ongoing boom in female members:

  • Women have gotten used to the generic online-dating websites and are looking to try something new. A blind date with someone from the internet is absolutely normal nowadays.
  • Women can, for the first time in human history of mankind comfortably and discretely date exclusively for sexual adventures. Without her best friend having to be there. Without her friends noticing and without the fear of meeting colleagues, acquaintances or even neighbors on a sex-contact date
  • More exposure due to “Sex and the City”, “Shades of Grey” & Co.

First Steps: Finding a Sex-partner Online

As said before: You can try all sex-contact sites for free. And – hey – we are not just trying to make advertisement here! You can sign up for all the sex-contact sites above for free, take a relaxed look around and even use some of the features these sites have to offer.

You should definitely take the time to do this. Hey, for what its worth, you might even score a sex-date off of your free membership. If not, these guides will help you to make a sex-date out of your sex-dream:

  • Are there websites for completely free sex-contacts?
  • The golden rules of gaining more sex-contacts
  • The great dossier to affairs and erotic contacts
  • The best Sex-Apps for quick and spontaneous sex-contacts
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Sex-Contact Sites Listed According to Regional Relevance

Not every provider is prominent around the world, not even in every state of the same country. There are some significant discrepancies! Always check the popularity of your area within the dating sites about the density of members.

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