
News article

Date: 31. August 2016

Poly Put a Kettle On:
21% of Singles Don't Do Monogamy

For a long time we've held monogamy as the be-all and end-all of relationship models. Polyamory (having multiple partners or an "open" relationship) has been seen as an alternative cultural practice. However recently a study used data from various sources such as in April 2016, discovering that 21% of singles surveyed were in non-monogamous relationships.

The study used information from's study "Singles in America" - published in The Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. In order to clarify the point by what they meant, authors defined non-monogamy as, "any relationship in which all partners agree that each may have romantic and/or sexual relationships with other partners."

While a lot of other information wasn't made very clear, there were a few interesting points that arose. One in particular fact shows that polyamoury is steady regardless of sexual identity group. The research revealed of the 21% figure: ""This proportion remained constant across age, education level, income, religion, region, political affiliation, and race, but varied with gender and sexual orientation." In more specific terms, it was LGBT individuals and males who had a tendancy towards non-monogamy in comparison to the straight and female populations.

Thanks to the "Tinder hookup culture", there are more singles who can see a society where casual dating is much more common, and there is more of a desire to stay non-exclusive. In addition to this, there are individuals who don't necessarily see exclusivity as one of the defining features of a committed relationship. In polyamoury, most couples believe that a relationship is still when boundaries are set and there is mutual willingness and understanding. And of coure, communication is always important and must be kept open between partners.

"These findings suggest that a sizable and diverse proportion of U.S. adults have experienced [consensual non-monogamy (CNM)]," the study notes, "highlighting the need to incorporate CNM into theoretical and empirical therapy and family science work."

